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Friday, November 9, 2018


Another successful professional learning experience at BRING IT TOGETHER, ONTARIO’S PREMIER EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, in Niagara Falls Ontario, #BIT18 on Nov 7 and Nov 8. As an attendee, I was able to make to some great contacts, reflect on what I could share with my colleagues, and identify my own learning needs. Thank you for two great days as the highlights of my sessions were:

Dave Cormier @davecormier  - keynote speaker centred around how coming to know is a messy, imprecise process at once intensely individual and necessarily embedded in a community

Doug Peterson - @dougpete  - Hyperdocs

Alana King -@banana29   - The Embedded Librarian: Rocking your virtual library learning common

Jonathon So @MrSoclassroom  - What Does Going Gradeless Look Like?

Zoe Braningan-Pipe @zbpipe  - Mindful Makerspaces: Thinking Deeply about the Maker Culture in Schools

Emily Fitzpatrick @efitz_edtech – Web Based Tools that can be used in the classroom such as: LunaPic, LuicidPress, Canva, AwwApp, PencilCode, Tinkercad

I would like to thank my staff members @MrsKarlssonGr7  @msstewardson  @MrsZoeChurchill and @MrHarding25  or taking the time of out of their busy lives to tag along with me. Their participation and role is important in the development of Experiential Learning @StMatthewCS