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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

SPP Track Day

Nothing more builds character and collaboration  when you witness all the students participating in an school-wide event. Recently we had our SPP Track Day and it was great see all the support from the teachers, students, and parents who attended. A special recognition goes to @GVDB78 for organizing this day!

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Muskoka Woods 2017

Over 4 days, students are involved in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities led by the secondary school teachers and student leaders. The Grade 7 classroom teacher and/or other staff from your school are with students throughout these activities.

The program can enhance the culture of every school community as well as benefit each and every participant on a personal level. These activities are tailored for each group and reinforce core values: creativity, friendship, and confidence. Activities include: Indoor Climbing Room, High Ropes, Music, Dance, Giant Swing, Drama, Inside Out, Zip Line, Kinball, Cooperative Games, Fencing, Skateboarding, Art, Mountain Biking, Canoeing, Pyramids, and Archery.

The Muskoka Woods Experience is supportive, encouraging and challenges students and staff to do their best. As our students move on to St. Patrick’s High School they will have the opportunity to “Pay it Forward” and return as a secondary student leader.