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Monday, May 30, 2016

GAFE Summit London

Just attended one of two days in London Ontario. Many great sharing experiences that can used with my teachers and students. Kudos to all who attended and gave up their free time on a warm and sunny weekend.

To note were my highlights of the sessions I attended:

Friday, May 13, 2016

“Muskoka Woods Leadership Experience”

For the past 5 years a team of teachers and students from  @StPatrickSarnia accompany the staff and Grade 7 students from our elementary schools to @muskokawoods on Lake Rosseau in Rosseau, Ontario.

Over 4 days, students are involved in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities led by the secondary school teachers and student leaders. The Grade 7 classroom teacher and/or other staff from your school are with students throughout these activities.

The program can enhance the culture of every school community as well as benefit each and every participant on a personal level. These activities are tailored for each group and reinforce core values: creativity, friendship, and confidence. Activities include: Indoor Climbing Room, High Ropes, Music, Dance, Giant Swing, Drama, Inside Out, Zip Line, Kinball, Cooperative Games, Fencing, Skateboarding, Art, Mountain Biking, Canoeing, Pyramids, and Archery.

The Muskoka Woods Experience is supportive, encouraging and challenges students and staff to do their best. As our students move on to St. Patrick’s High School they will have the opportunity to “Pay it Forward” and return as a secondary student leader. This was witnessed this year as some of the Grade 12 leaders were exercising their skills being the first group of grade 7’s from St. Philip’s.

The amount of work and effort that it takes to get this off the ground is countless. It is hard to put an actual # of people that are involved with fundraising efforts, payment plans, personal information forms collected. Kudos to Principal 
@RobCicchelli1  for his support and Jay Stewart who organizes the entire event. 

Indeed, being away from family for 4 days can stretch your limits. I would like to personally thank my own teachers @GVDB78, @MissBoyle9, and @dansonier for their commitment to the Grade 7 students on this trip. The commitment by all involved makes this a memorable and meaningful experience:

Elementary Students     290
Secondary Leaders       119
ILIT Grade 9 leaders     23
Elementary Staff            36
Secondary  Staff            29
Total                           497