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Saturday, April 30, 2016


I recently attended Connect2016 I and always leave a conference learning something new that I can take back and use in my school. Even though I was only there for Wednesday’s and Thursday’s sessions, I was able to make to some great contacts, garner valuable information, and get some “free99” samples from the vendors.

To note were my highlights of the conference:

Angela Maiers - @AngelaMaiers  - Keynote speaker -  Mattering is the Agenda – and having the opportunity to sneak in on her “Google Hangout live recording”

Ryan Turner - @ajateacher - Optimizing Blog Structure to Enhance K-12 Critical Thinking Skills     
Zoe Branigan-Pipe @zbpipe - Bringing Back Maker Space

Joe Grabowski @GrabowskiScuba - Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants

Chris Hadfield @Cmdr_Hadfield – Keynote speaker and proud co-resident of Sarnia, Ontario 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Lead Learner

We just finished our second round of #PLT's (Principal Learning Team) Visits in our schools. We observed that specific learning was taking place and it is apparent that the Lead Learner is the principal.

When the Principal can demonstrate his/her learning, the school will take his/her lead learning of direction.  This culture the Principal promotes is advocated by the community and is benefited by all stakeholders.

In most of these schools, I witness how technology is being utilized and in a variety of different levels. Students are engaged, collaborating, differentiated, have choice, and are able communicate why they are using the technology.

My entire career I have supported the use of technology and how it is being used as a tool.  As part of deep learning #NDPL,  I cringe at comments when some of my colleagues question the way technology is being used in the classroom and they reference "pedagogy first, technology second. I wonder if they fully understand the technology and boldly respond, "well at least it is being used and these teachers will replace those teachers who are not."

Related Articles:

Friday, April 8, 2016

“The effective 21st Century administrator is a hands-on user of technology”

 The notion as the Principal being the Lead Learner is highlighted when it comes to schools where “The Principal As Technology Leader.” A checklist below used as a self-assessment is taken from,  can be 
Other related articles,

Friday, April 1, 2016

When principals are asked to evaluate teachers on "tech use"

George Couros' Tweet, on Thursday March 31,  "I always wonder when principals are asked to evaluate teachers on "tech use", who is evaluating the principals on their own understanding?" got thinking more about this particular topic.

Nowhere in the Ontario Leadership Framework or the Principals Performance Appraisal document does it make specific reference to technology or 21st Century Learning. Only in one area of is mentioned in the Self-Assessment tool for aspiring leaders--Leading The Instructional Program in the field of Demonstrates a deep knowledge of teaching and learning processes:

•Integrates technology to maximize student learning
• Ensures effective use of and appropriate access to information communication technology for students and staff

In the Teacher’s Performance Appraisal, reference to technology is in COMPETENCY #13--Teachers use appropriate technology in their teaching practices and related professional responsibilities:

• uses technology when appropriate to improve efficiency and effectiveness in planning, instructional delivery, reporting procedures, and decision making
• models and promotes effective use of technology to promote pupil learning
• demonstrates effective use of technology as it relates to school operations and board expectations

If our schools are to move forward with 21st Century learning, Principals need to lead with their own learning and should be evaluated in this area. Principals should make sure that technology is part of their Annual Growth Plan when being reviewed technology should be part of their Principal Performance Plan.